This issue is recreated by hand after jira data loss. Older reference was SLF4J-"576".
Reporter: Hannes Wellmann
Created: 14/Dec/22 11:11 PM
The documentation claims that SLF4J v2 is binary compatible to slf4j mv1, from a client perspective:
In order to ease migration to slf4j v2 in the OSGi world and to allow the usage of libraries that are build against slf4j v1 and therefore have a Import-Package version range with exclusive upper-bound of 2 in an OSGi runtime that has SLF4J v2 installed it would be beneficial if slf4j-api would export its packages in version 1 (probably the latest one) and two.
Eventually the Manifest of slf4j-api would have an entry like the following (plus uses-constraints):
Export-Package: org.slf4j;version="1.7.36", org.slf4j;version="2.0.7", org.slf4j.event;version="1.7.36", org.slf4j.event;version="2.0.7", org.slf4j.helpers;version="1.7.36", org.slf4j.helpers;version="2.0.7" org.slf4j.spi;version="1.7.36", org.slf4j.spi;version="2.0.7"
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